The Youth Factor

The Youth Factor

I’m just going to come right out and say it:  I think the younger generations get it.  I know, I know there have been countless articles written about the generation divide, the Boomers versus Millennial debates, but I’m going to add one more to the mix.  I’m not...
Culture Transformation

Culture Transformation

If only I had a dollar for every time I conducted a candidate interview during my career and I was asked, “what is the company culture like!” Yes, it is universally the most frequently asked question during an interview, a networking conversation, or cocktail party...
Culture Fit – Is it Realistic?

Culture Fit – Is it Realistic?

“Culture Fit” is a buzz phrase you may have seen and is often heard around the water coolers in any executive search firm or HR/Recruiter meeting.  Generally defined as: “The ability of an employee to fit the core beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that make up an...