What We Focus On Grows

What We Focus On Grows

Change is on the horizon, if not already here. Many of my clients are bringing 100% of their remote workers back into the office over the next few months, several are creating hybrid models – some remote, some office time – while others are closing brick and...
Your Own Mastermind Alliance

Your Own Mastermind Alliance

It’s about who you know.  The power of your network.  Most business owners are only tapping into a tiny fraction of that power because by nature we feel uncomfortable admitting we have a gap and/or we have a hidden fear that it’s a sign of weakness if we need to ask...
The New Normal in Corporate America

The New Normal in Corporate America

We are seeing a huge paradigm shift in corporate business culture where companies are embracing the mindset of Millennials – flexibility, culture fit, community, collaboration and team versus the “way it’s always been is the way we are going to be.”  In fact, I...