Life’s transitions, whether personal or professional, often come with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. When my wife and I relocated from our long-time home in a town where we had lived for 30+ years to a new home down state. We found ourselves in the unfamiliar...
Some companies like Google, Microsoft and even NASA have a waiting list a mile long to get into their intern programs. Let’s just say, they aren’t lacking when it comes to having a feeder program for top emerging talent. Their programs are fiercely competitive,...
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of work, building an effective team is both an art and a science. As we look beyond traditional...
Whether you are a seasoned interviewee, or this is the first time you’ve been career shopping in decades, there are some basic questions you can ask during an interview that will give you an idea if you are a good fit for the company and if they are a good fit for...
Over the past year plus, many people who had plans to change jobs ended up staying put due to the uncertainty of the pandemic. The “Great Resignation”, coined by Anthony Lotz of Texas A&M University during an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek, predicts that...
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford Ford Motor Company is the second-largest automaker in the U.S and is one of the biggest family businesses in the U.S. It all began with the strong...